My names Adam and I think this is going to finally be the year I get in shape. I've never been too out of shape but I definitely want to tone up. I figure the Insanity workout is gonna be my best bet with my busy schedule. I'll put some before pictures up for soon. For now though I'm off to Wal-Mart to grab some essentials to start the nutritional guide for the program. I'm a college student and I have about 100 bucks to spend this time. Here's the list..
Dry Oatmeal Chicken Breast
Protein Powder Romaine Lettuce
Frozen Berries Apples
Skim Milk Black Bean Soup
Cottage Cheese 1% Turkey Burgers
Whole Grain Cereal Wheat Pasta
Wheat Bagel Steamed Vegetables (Frozen)
Tomatoes Feta Cheese
Whole Grain Bread Tuna
All Natrual Peanut Butter Turkey Chili
Nutrition Bars with less than 25 grams sugar and 10 grams protein
Deli Style Turkey Breast Spinach
Tomato Juice (V8) Red Onion
Brown Rice Corn (Frozen)
Peas (Frozen) Tomato Sauce